Unicorn 3.0.2 Released

Unicorn 3.0.2 (and Rainbow 1.0.1) have been released to NuGet.

This release includes some critical fixes to the serialization system, and upgrading is highly recommended for all users of Unicorn 3.


  • Unicorn auto-publish now reports its activities to the sync console, and operates synchronously to guarantee published state for automated builds.
  • Guidance on some Transparent Sync pitfalls has been added to the wiki.
  • The new Rainbow.SFS.ExtraInvalidFilenameCharacters setting enables TFS users to successfully serialize branch templates which begin in $, a reserved character by TFS. The Rainbow.TFS.config.example file is now shipped with Rainbow to illustrate its usage for TFS.
  • An example configuration file to demonstrate how to move your serialized items elsewhere has been added.


  • CRITICAL Saving item versions that were not in the default Sitecore language was not updating the serialized item. This has been fixed. #76
  • CRITICAL Serialization of significant empty field values, such as unchecked checkboxes when the standard value is checked, has been fixed. #74
  • Items that are restored from the Sitecore recycle bin or archive to Unicorn-controlled locations now result in the item being serialized on restore. #72
  • Resetting a field to standard values now correctly results in the field value being removed from the serialized item. #74
  • Query string order is always respected when syncing multiple configurations at once using the control panel.
  • The serialization conflict dialog (if disk doesn’t match base item data on save) now formats correctly using HTML for Sitecore 8+
  • Using the Dump Item and Dump Tree commands in Sitecore to reserialize partial item trees now correctly serializes an item to all configurations that it may belong to, instead of just the first one.


Upgrading from Unicorn 3.x is as simple as updating your NuGet packages. If it prompts to overwrite any changed config files, I’d suggest doing so and using a diff with your source control to resolve differences.

If you suspect that you have serialized items that may be missing significant empty values, you should reserialize those after upgrading to get their values normalized.

The Credits

Unicorn isn’t just my project. Thanks a lot to all the community members who reported bugs, sent pull requests, and diagnosed issues to help make Unicorn better.

Unicorn 3.0.2 is brought to you by…

Robin Hermanussen
Thomas Eldblom
Nathanael Mann
Kevin Williams
…and the rest of #unicorn on Sitecore Slack

As usual, if you run into trouble you can submit an issue on GitHub, hit me up on Sitecore Slack, or tweet at me.