EditContext Considered Harmful

If you’ve worked with Sitecore for very long, you have probably needed to update an item’s content programmatically. A pattern in common usage for this is to use the EditContext class, for example:

Item item;
using(new EditContext(item))
    item["FieldName"] = "A new value";

Unfortunately, it has a fatal flaw. A fatal flaw that Jakob Christensen pointed out in 2006. Unfortunately it’s still in wide use, and is not marked as obsolete. Hopefully this post can help change that!

The problem lies in the way the using statement works. It is effectively equivalent to this:

var context = new EditContext(item);
    item["FieldName"] = "A new value";

An astute observer will notice that due to the finally semantic, the EditContext is always disposed, regardless of whether an exception occurs. Take this code for example:

Item item;
using(new EditContext(item))
    item["FieldA"] = "Sample";
    item["FieldB"] = GetFieldValue();
    item["FieldC"] = "A new value";

public string GetFieldValue() 
    throw new ArgumentException("Let's address the elephant in the room.");

In this example GetFieldValue() throws an exception. This will cause an immediate drop through to the finally of the using statement, which executes whether an exception is thrown or not. Which will commit the partial item change to FieldA without FieldB or FieldC, leaving the Sitecore item in an inconsistent state. Which you probably do not want.

So what should we use?

The correct way to edit an item is with the Editing property, for example:

Item item;
item["FieldA"] = "Sample";
item["FieldB"] = GetFieldValue();
item["FieldC"] = "A new value";

Note how EndEdit() will not be called if an exception occurs. This prevents Sitecore from writing any field changes to the database (changes are queued up and committed all together when EndEdit() is called).

This syntax is however a bit hard to read, because it is difficult to parse the code compared to the neat indentation of EditContext. I would like to propose an alternative syntax, taking advantage of the fact that you can use arbitrary braces in C#:

Item item;

    item["FieldA"] = "Sample";
    item["FieldB"] = GetFieldValue();
    item["FieldC"] = "A new value";

There! Now it reads nearly like EditContext, but does not suffer from its downsides :)